Use current portfolio equity (sum of cash and all simultaneously opened positions value) to calculate new trade size, or use any other position sizing method by specifying dollar value or number of contracts/shares.
Find out how changing the number of simultaneous positions and using different money management affects your trading system performance. Trade portfolios to decrease risk/reward ratio. Test your trading system on multiple securities using realistic account constraints and common portfolio equity. Just check out our quick features tour to find out what is included in this powerful software package.
It gives everything you need to trade successfully. AmiBroker allows you to trade directly from charts or programmatically, using auto-trading interface (works with Interactive Brokers). AmiBroker's robust system development environment allows to find market inefficiences, code the system and validate it using powerful statistical methods including walk-forward test and Monte Carlo simulation. AmiBroker is a full-featured technical analysis & trading system development platform, with an advanced real-time charting, portfolio back-testing/optimization and scanning capabilities.